Dr. Brian Humphreys, MD. FACS, PA
Dr. Brian Humphreys, MD. FACS, PA
121 Gaslight Medical Parkway, Ste. 100
Lufkin, TX 75904

Phone 936.699.3141, Toll Free 888.508.5460, Fax 936.699.3145

Facial Enhancement Procedures

Dr. Humphreys has more than 20 years experience in providing cosmetic, functional, and reconstructive surgical treatment of the face and neck.

Laser Resurfacing:

Using a non-invasive and non-ablative state-of-the-art laser, Dr. Humphreys can bring out the younger looking skin you never knew you had and turn back the clock 5 to 7 years. Weather it’s a “Lunch Time Peel,” which allows you to put cosmetics right back on and go back to work or a “Weekend Peel,” which is more intensive, you can bring out the best in your skin.

Using Laser Resurfacing, you do not have the raw skin, ugly ducking phase that many treatments cause. The lasers do not peel off the upper layer of skin but rejuvenate the skin bring back the youthful look. Removing wrinkles, brown spots and other facial problems, you can uncover your best skin quickly, easily and virtually painlessly with the advanced laser treatments Dr. Humphreys provides.

BOTOX Cosmetic:

Cosmetic applications to improve the look of fine lines and superficial wrinkles caused from every day facial expressions like smiling, frowning or squinting by prohibiting these movements. If you find that the early signs of aging are becoming apparent or if your facial expressions are causing premature wrinkles to appear, then BOTOX ® Cosmetic may be for you. BOTOX ® Cosmetic is also used in the prevention or smoothing of wrinkles as well, by prohibiting you from making the facial gestures that cause wrinkles. BOTOX ® Cosmetic may not remove a static wrinkle completely, it only disallows you from furrowing your brow or squinting a certain part around your eye. If your wrinkles are static then it may lessen them a bit. However, if your wrinkles are superficial it can smooth it considerably so that it appears that they have been removed.

Eyelid Surgery – minimally invasive procedure for eye lift and eye tuck:

Corrects the sagging or drooping of the eyelids and the removal of excess fat, skin and atrophied muscle or even the herniated fat in the eye area. As we get older, most individuals will start to see a difference in their eye area--more laxity, bags below and above the eye; some times so much that the upper lid seems to disappear underneath the extra fatty area under the brow bone. This procedure can give a more youthful appearance to an otherwise older, more tired looking face.

This procedure can give your eye area a more awake look and can even remedy certain individual's vision problems if they are caused by the excess skin blocking their vision. If the latter is the case, usually your insurance will cover the operation. Some of you may feel as if your eyes give the appearance of you being tired or angry. This procedure can rid your eyes of its excess baggage and may allow you to look as good as you feel.

Dark Circles under eyes:

We are going to cover the many reasons dark circles appear and help you find solutions which suit your needs. Sometimes there are simple reasons such as iron deficiency, lack of sleep and hyperpigmentation. Although this accounts only for the darkness not the sunken or hollow look. Sometimes dark circles may also be enhanced because of an atrophied sub-orbicularis oculi or loss of fat. Dark circles don't have to be bother you forever, there are procedures to subdue this if not correct it entirely.

What Causes Dark Under Eye Circles? There can be one or several reasons together which may contribute to a darkened or sunken look:

* lack of sleep

* iron or other vitamin deficiencies

* sickness

* hyperpigmentation

* excessive vascularization (due to medications such as Retin A)

* visible blood vessels due to fat loss, thin, aging skin or hereditary thinness or superficial vessels

* fat loss in general which causes a sunken look

Are You a Candidate for Dark Under Eye Circles Removal?

This entirely depends upon the problem at hand. Some you very well may be able to handle, some you may not be a candidate for. The first step is consulting with a qualified surgeon or dermatologist to determine the cause and then go over your options for a solution. For instance, you may be a candidate for hydroquinone use in hyperpigmentations but not laser resurfacing.

This is really important as not all skin types and individuals will be a candidate for every technique or treatment. This largely depends upon your skin type, wound type response and the presence of ethnicity in your family history (keloids and hypo- or hyperpigmentations can form in darker skinned individuals).


Dr. Humphreys provides the full range of surgery for the nose, including reconstruction due to injury or cancer. He also is provides surgery for cosmetic changes to straighten and remove humps as well as change the nose to bring it into aesthetic proportion to the face.


Disorders of the nose and sinuses, including deviated septum, sinus disorder, nose bleed, stuffy nose, loss of smell

Cleft Palate:
A Cleft is a congenital deformity caused by a failure in facial development during pregnancy. A Cleft can be treated with surgery shortly after birth with highly successful results. One major category of Clefts is Cleft Palate. Cleft Palate is a condition in which the two plates of the skull that form the hard palate are not completely joined. In most cases, Cleft Lip is present as well. Cleft Palate can occur as complete or incomplete. When Cleft Palate occurs, the uvula is usually split.

Copyright Brian Humphreys M. D., All Rights Reserved.
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